9:27 pm


Look what I found on APOD.

These guys normally focus on, well, astronomy. But occasionally, they showcase beauties like this. What a whopper! Lookit! How huge is that?? I'd LOVE to have one of these for my birhday :)

Oh wait, Christmas is just around the corner....

Mad over at
Mad Haiku asked what this was.
Its a bucket wheel excavator and is, apparently, the largest one on the planet. Surf through the APOD links and you'll find yourself
here, where there are more exhilarating pictures of this behemoth. Fantastic!


mad said...

Neat! What is it?

Anonymous said...

It a face miner. The wheel on the front strips coal (or whatever you want to mine) and dumps it into the conveyors behind it. It's probably 400 feet tall.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

hey Mad,
I have posted additional links with more pics. Too cool not too post! :)

You're a veritable font of knowledge, sir.

Anonymous said...

Totally freaking awesome! Must be some garage they park it in at night, too...

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

I'm sorry, but I'll take this monstrosity over the much-oogled sports car any day. lol.