10:28 pm

erm..... help?

Found this over at Winston's place.

Thought it looked cool.
But, like I commented on his blog, I really AM a tech idiot. I have a vague idea of what the stats mean but I'd be hard pressed to explain them clearly :o

Cool image.
But will possibly only make a lot of sense to Barry, Susan or Iki.

Quite possibly, they might take the test too, have mercy, and explain what Latency is. lol


Anonymous said...

Let's see... How can I put this into non-tech perspective? Ahhh... There is only one thing slower on planet Earth than your connection speed. That is GW Bush's ability to recognize primary colors and basic geometric shapes. Make, that 2 things - including my mother-in-law's dialup modem connection. But she's a Bush supporter so she doesn't need anything faster...

Seriously, you have a somewhat slow connection speed by US standards. I don't have any idea what the going speeds are in Singapore. But hey, if it works for you and you're happy with it and it is available most of time, smile and be happy...

Anonymous said...

The interval between stimulus and response.

ie. bus runs every 20 minutes, you decide to catch a bus somewhere. If you just missed one the wait for the next one would be 20 minutes. On the other hand, you could arrive at the bus stop 5 seconds before it pulls up.

Ran Winston's test with a local (Seattle, WA) server

24 kb/s 55 kb/s 410 ms <50 miles.

One in Singapore.

24 kb/s 66 kb/s 454 ms ~8100 miles

In the stone age with my dialup!

Anonymous said...

GWB may not be the smartest one in the bunch,but a lot of more intelligent folks never will be President !

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Thanks for the explanation, and the laughs!

I don't like fancy thingamijigs precisely because I'm aware not everyone wants to wait a gazillino years for a page to load. I hope my page isn't a problem on a dial up!

Alas, a lot of smart people stay away from politics for exactly that same reason. *chuckles*

Anonymous said...

Here's what we're getting in NYC these days... besides crappy, clammy, rainy weather.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

I took a peek.

Completely blank??? That's hilarious!! I wonder what the hell is up with that? lol.