9:03 pm


Oh dear.
This is a tad
extreme, don't you think?

A Thai Buddhist monk cut off his penis with a machete because he had an erection during meditation and declined to have it reattached, saying he had renounced all earthly cares, a doctor and a newspaper said on Wednesday.

The 35-year-old monk, whose name was withheld for privacy reasons, allowed medical staff at Maharaj hospital, 780 km (480 miles) south of Bangkok to dress his wound, but refused reattachment, hospital chief Prawing Euanontouch said

Oh man.
To have an erection is to cause you to sin? I always thought erections came unbidden at the most inopportune moments. Wretched bodies struggling with the brain going Holy shit! Now? NOW? Not now! Nononononono.... And then the (sometimes) useless attempts to hide. Occasionally amusing to women, surely not so amusing for the men in question.

Dude, it's a human thing. No shame in that. How're you going to pee now?