8:56 pm

New 007, and it works!

Wow, seems like everyone and their mother is going to see the new 007 movie, Casino Royale

And oh my, I haven't seem a more convincing James Bond. No smirks, no corny oneliners, just pure spy adrenaline.

The opening sequence was fantastic. Not the stunts, the backdrop or extra/explosions. But the sheer athleticism of the bad guy running way. Superman for real, if ever there was one. I was sorry to see him die at the end of the case sequence, but great start nevertheless.

Then it all started to sag in the middle For a bit there, I thought I was watching the Hallmark channel. What was up with that? Was there a lot of chemistry between the 2 leads? And what about that villain, him with the weepy, bloody tearduct. (No, I am not swearing and yes, it is tearduct i.e. singular) I really enjoyed the over-the-top badguys of old Bond movies.

Saving grace? Ohboyohboyohboy.
Daniel Crag
He's really come into his own. I enjoyed him in Tomb Raider but as a lead..... I really really liked his Bond; tough, resilient, a tad cheeky... and most of all, human. I wonder if this is whom Ian Flemming had in mind when he created the character?

Yeah, worthy weekend movie.......