I can finally lay claim to a logical reason why there were 3 - check it, THREE - continuous posts on Christmas shopping and the aggravations therein.
The holidays are a time for fun, food, family, gifts -- and stress, with more women tending to suffer than men and turning to food, booze and the couch to get over the holidays.
Nearly half of all U.S. women experience greater stress during the holidays, according to a survey by the American Psychological Association..... The survey found that 44 percent of the 417 woman contacted in an October telephone survey were more likely to report an increase in stress during the holiday season compared with 31 percent of 369 men.....
.....Why does stress hit more women than men?
"Women take more responsibility for gift buying, festivities, gatherings, meals and all of the things that increase the stress of lack of time,"
Still, I'm all done so the last week from now until Christmas should be a breeze. w00t!
Does that mean that the men who suffer from stress during this time have an over abundance of female hormones?
Fiona, women are more intense than men and well - they're women !! :)
EuroYank and Paul,
The joys of Christmas, eh? :)
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