Hectic day.
Zipped down to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority for my new passport. And hey! it wasn't as traumatic as I thought it would be! Yes, the application hall was sardine packed and no, that seething mass of humanity didn't sound nor smell very good. But it was all over in about 1.5 hours and half of that was spent in a cafe whilst the passport was being prepared.
But that's not the point of this post.
Efficient govt will take up a WHOLE 'nother post on it's own.
The point of the post is that I had the opportunity to compare myself with an old picture from a long time ago. Almost a decade, actually.

That's my old passport pic, taken in 1996. That's the new one I'm now using on the right. And my goodness, how young I was. All of 24 years old. A veritable babe in swaddling clothes.
The face seems softer, gentler. The smile more tentative, hesitant. And oh, I was, I was. Gods, was I a greenhorn! I must say working life toughens you up a lot; teaches you. Things and people happen to you; life experiences which shape your perception, mindset.
The face, now, still doesn't look all THAT old. No discernable wrinkles yet. But the face seems.... sharper, even though I'm probably a lot heavier. It looks like me, and yet.... not me. Perhaps I should keep the passports because I will have to have this new biochipped one replaced in 2011 and it would be interesting to see how else my face changes in 5 years :)
Yeah. Good idea.
You look great, especially for a photograph on a government document.
My passport photo is barely recognizable as me; my New York drivers license photo, taken back when I had a beard and longish hair and had just come into the Department of Motor Vehicles office out of a driving rainstorm, makes me look like a poster child for a substance-abuse clinic.
I try and take a reasonable picture for official documents. I was lucky that I managed to print that new one - that was taken for/by an ex employer for publicity material.
Wait a second.
Long hair and a beard?
I insist on a picture! lol
A picture?
That can be arranged.
(I look a lot more respectable today.)
I had a peek.
Yea, more respectable, 'tis true.
But I've been reading your blog for a while now and the shaggier you seems more.... more.... you!
Very cool, nevertheless.
Thank you :)
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