I didn't need a walkie to-day. The Internet has given birth to a quirky range of modern addictions and maladies, the British weekly New Scientist says in its Christmas issue published this Saturday. They include these:
Did housework instead.
*rolls eyes*
Idle surfing as I rest up, saw this cute article on the newest things 'net users inflict upon themselves. Amusing read. :) s'a short one so I'll post it here in full.
- EGO-SURFING: When you frequently check your name and reputation on the Internet.
- BLOG STREAKING: Revealing secrets or personal information online which for everybody's sake would be best kept private.
- CRACKBERRY: The curse of the modern executive: not being able to stop checking your BlackBerry, even at your grandmother's funeral.
- GOOGLE-STALKING: Defined as "snooping online on old friends, colleagues or first dates.
- CYBERCHONDRIA: A headache and a particular rash at the same time? Extensive online research tells you it must be cancer.
- PHOTOLURKING: Flicking through a photo album of someone you've never met.
- WIKIPEDIHOLISM: Excess devotion to contributing to the online collaborative encyclopaedia, Wikipedia. Wikipedia even has a page where you can test whether you're an addict: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Are-You-a-Wikipediholic-Test.
- CHEESEPODDING: Downloading of a song "so cheesy that you could cover it in plastic wrap and sell it at the deli counter." Cheesepodders are especially vulnerable to soft-rock favourites from the 1970s.
Lemme see..... on my own posts? Possibly guilty of blog streaking. But I try and keep that to a minimum, eh? And since when was google stalking a malady? Heh.
So what are YOU guilty of? :)
Natural introvert, learned extrovert.
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- Fiona Kathleen Hogan
- Testy, cynical and Eurasian. I won't play well with you if you have no bloody common sense. All comments & emails sent me become fodder for my blog.
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10:45 pm
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pretty much all of them.
I'm a lonely mountain man...
We need to do something about that lonely moutain man thingie. :
Well I have done two of them. = )
Ach, Greg, you tempt me with that and then don't tell me which two? lol.
Google stalking and Photolurking. Sorry I didn't write it before. = )
Oh Greg,
That's too cute. You actually replied.
Damn, but it's good to have you back online!
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