6:02 pm

The Great Lesbian Act

Just thought to share something funny; a whimsical post on OK Cupid by me. And gods, I didn't think I would get comments. Heh.

I'm not sure what the heck is going on but OKC seems to be matching me, a straight women, with other women.

I don't log on for eons and this is what happens?
*wry grin*
What gives?

Ireland2, 43F, Straight, Houston, Texas, United States;
62% match, 79% friend, 31% enemy April 13 11:26am:
Where are those men??

Preka, 24M, Straight, Plainfield, Illinois, United States;
55% match, 74% friend, 34% enemy April 13 11:48am:
All women are inherently bi-sexual, and OKC knows this. Don't fight it.

180flip, 28M, Straight, Victoria, Canada;
60% match, 72% friend, 30% enemy April 13 11:57am:
And when you experiment with the aforementioned inherent bisexuality, invite a guy to watch and/or join in. Thats the only way you'll know for sure. :)

A man's perpetual fantasy. 2 women. I could never figure out why this is the most common male fantasy of all time. Perhaps it's because women are inherently more good looking? I mean.. all those soft curves, the hair, the boobies. The decided lack of bodily hair is another good thing.

And mind you, I've actually tried to surf for 2 men. Not the same, let me assure you.....

Still.... comments, anyone? *wry grin*


Bernadette Chua said...

Do you remember Johnny from Club Med? And what he thought about us. LOL.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Oh Bernie,
I DO! lol

Anonymous said...

There are specific .... mechanical reasons why guys like to do a couple women at once.

EuroYank - Virginia Hoge said...

From personal experience three women are actually better than two, I mean if you want to do things right and cover all the angles.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Og and EuroYank,

If you would both but share, oh experienced ones. :) I'm always willing to learn about the opposite sex. *chuckles*

Anonymous said...

Not something I'm going to discuss on a blog. Maybe in person.