6:38 pm

Facts that won't save my life #1,335,169.

There's been a caterpillar amongst Mom's potted plants.

We first discovered it about 4 days ago.... and now whenever I step outside for a smoke, I'll bend down and try and find the sucker. This ugly mofo has been crawling around the OTHER plants. Why, I have no idea. I mean, aren't they supposed to stay on the plant of their choice?

Shit, I need to track the fucker. I smoke outside. I'm not going to have this thing crawl up and wave a HI!! in my face as I do my smoke.

Not only that, stupid thing has been shitting in one spot. ONE SPOT. It's accumulated a pile of caterpillar turds and this is really beyond me. I once had the habit of buying flowers and putting them at my workstation. A couple of times, there were creepy crawlies hidden amongst the greens and previous experience has shown me caterpillars pretty much shit around their chosen greens, not pile'em up.... so how strange is that?

Here, see for yourself.

See that pile of rounded thingies in the middle? Same colour as the potted soil? Yup - caterpillar shit. I mean..... WTF?
Speaking of which, I must be the luckiest person on the planet. I actually caught the thing in the act of taking a dump. Dubious honour indeed!

If you look closely, you'll see that each individual pellet is actually the same width as the 'pilla's body. If it were human by now, it would have exploded from its enormous turds. And grossed out as I am by the creepy crawlies, I wondered continuously how it did that.

Well, question solved. As I bent down to take a look today, I saw it spread it's last 2 legs and grow a small bulb of green liquid. Same green as the leaves it's munching on. And the tiny bead swelled and then rolled down. Mystery solved. It shits in liquid form. Which then hardens upon exposure to air. Or oxidizes. Or something....... into those solid pellets.

Well well well.... how about that? How many of you have seen a caterpillar take a shit? lol. Damn. Talk about perfect timing! Curious minds always want to know!

But it's sometimes a curse, you know what I'm saying?


Anonymous said...

... the things you read on the internet.... my goodness....


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

OOoooo. Eric, a rare comment!
This post must have entertained you. *wry grin*