10:59 pm

As close to perfect....

.... as possible.

Off to-day, had a lunch appointment. Great laughs, great conversation, relaxed and happy. Thank you D!

Then off to see
Transformers! I did catch the cartoon series on and off way back when. And this movie is... to be caught on it's own. And I did leave my preconceptions at the door. Hah! A 2 hour movie? Really? Damn, where did the time fly to? Yes, it WAS worth watching! There were laughs/chuckles, a *gasp* moment or two, plenty of great chase sequences, and less of the Michael Bay cheese than I expected. Well worth watching. IMDB vote was a 8.3 and it came pretty close to my own vote (an 8!) So bring your kids. No kids? Shit... just go!

And then off to dinner and a bit of SLing with
Bernie. Showed her a pretty place or two and now I am home, sated and happy and content.

It doesn't take me much to be happy. :)