8:41 pm


I finally attended one of Bernie's workshops. The woman has been traing for YEARS and I finally got stuck in to one of her sessions. lol.

It was interesting....
10 women gathered for a mysterious session entitled
OPOL. Yup. Orgasmic Pleasures Of Life. Except they weren't told what OPOL meant until they got there. Granted, everyone was a personal friend of Bernie's in one way or another, but it was gratifying nevertheless.

We pranced, we shared, we drew. Perhaps the others gathered courage from the fact that all were women. In fact, one or two shared that they thought women needed to bond on special terms, all by themselves.

Don't get me wrong, the primer in Bernie's email was that grouchy women and feminists should STAY THE HELL AWAY. And I concur. But I realise that whilst I don't seem to need to, a lot of other women do draw strength from their shared "sisterhood".

Perhaps it is the loner in me :) But I digress.....

So there we were, women by ourselves, exploring our deep psyches, pulling forth and amazing each other with our dreams and our visions and our worries. I rather suspect my "personal landscape" is simplier than I imagined. Apparently all I want to do is love and be loved.

Who would have thought? *wry grin*


Bernadette Chua said...

I'm real glad that you enjoyed it! It is amazing how total strangers could bond and learn from one another, isn't it? Yours and Judy's presence very affirming, always nice to have friends in one's workshops. The rest were kinda "strangers" in the technical sense of the word. Lol. Am sure we've now worked towards the friendship bit. We must get the sexuality one going as well. Very needed too!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Getting all worried now. Heh.