12:07 am



Didn't realise I hadn't blogged since the 18th. Here's a round up of things bouncing around inside my rapidly shrinking cranium.....

Why the hell do people form conga lines?
Are they really that funny to do? And do people really enjoy them? You will never be able to get me in a conga line.... the last time I saw one was in Club Med in 2004. About 200 people all lined up from the auditorium to the disco. And... erm... gods, it was embarressing.

Work front. HHhhmmmm.
I've finally acquiesced.
I've given in and the company I am seconded to by that employment agency was finally given the green light to convert me from contract worker to permanent staff. I've been fending them off for 2 years now but come 1st Sept, I'll be a fully fledged, all-benefits-to-be-sapoed employee of the local insurance firm. In one week.

Shit, I've just realised I was hired by ShangiLa in one week too and look how THAT turned out. lol But for now, the overnight shifts are fun. I am hoping it will become a semi-permanent arrangment.

Life front?
Why are some men so thick sometimes? Don't start throwing bricks, you all... Those of you who visit regularly MUST know that you're not typical of your gender? And why are you all so far away? And married? Dammit.

(There, that was painless, wasn't it?)


Greg said...

Hey Fiona, Congrats on the job!
I love the night shifts personally but I don't have to talk to fucktards on the phone. = )

Peace Greg

Anonymous said...

Conga lines? Do people really still do those stupid things?

Hope the job thingie works out to your benefit.

We non-thick men are far away because it is safer that way. ;-) But you are welcome to come for a visit...

AY said...


Linked to your blog thru Bernie's! Glad work's working out for u!

ps, met you at OPOL (:

Rich | Championable said...

I guess people form Conga lines because they're drunk and want to put their hands on someones hips. That's all I can think of. And that's not such a bad thing, come to think of it...

Congrats on the gigaroo.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

You and are are more alike than either one of us suspects. :)

Say what? Safer far away? I forgive you this time! ;P

You're welcome to pop by anytime! Now I just have to try and figure out who you are lol

The conga lines I've seen are hands-on-shoulder types... weird and clammy :o

Maeve said...

... you know, I never had thought about that whole 'conga lines' think until just now.... but yes, you are right..... they are just plain weird....


MagTY said...

congrats on yr "new" job!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

I do find them a tad disturbing....

Thank you! *hugs*