1:47 am


And by that, I mean Chistmas Shopping Madness.

Has it started for you yet?

I just noticed all the papers, yesterday, carried humongous ads crying out the start of the festive season sale. SALE! SALE! SALE! Like it was all we ever wanted. There must be something about the date Nov 16. I can imagine all the ad people calling each other up to ensure every marketing company was in on it.....

Ok, what have you got?
Trying to pursuade my client Nov 16 is good.
2 weeks before christmas. Get people in the mood. Can't be too early though.
Yes.. yes.. I see... not Nov 15 because that's still too early!
You're on! Let's get to it!

It's horrible. ..Every.Single.Major.Mall.. had an ad out. Full page lux, coloured ads with discounts, dresses, cosmetic packages, sales, promotions, credit cards tie-ins and god knows what else. It gets worse and worse every year. Gross, crass commercialism at it's gaudy, inglorious best.

Makes me wonder what we're celebrating, apart from humanity's greed.