12:52 am

WTF moment - who sues God?

Why, an American politician, of course. Talk about idiocy.

Mr Chambers sued God last year. He said God had threatened him and the people of Nebraska and had inflicted "widespread death, destruction and terrorisation of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants".....

..... "Since God knows everything," he reasoned, "God has notice of this lawsuit."

Mr Chambers, a state senator for 38 years, said he filed the suit to make the point that "anyone can sue anyone else, even God".

I beg your pardon? You wanted to make a point? And who's money did you use when you filed this flippant, moronic example? Yup, I'm willing to bet taxpayers. And who funds the judicial system? Uh huh. And you're a state senator?

I wonder if he's elected? If he is, his voting population had better start paying attention.


Anonymous said...

... heh heh..... well, he'll certainly have some explaining to do once he reaches those pearly gates....


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...


I didn't even thinkabout that :o
I would LOVE to be there when it happens! lol