Men looking to get laid can be SO fucking transparent.
I'm online... trying to shift my lazy ass to post the rest of my Koh Samui stuff. And this guy messages me out of nowhere. Here, for your entertainment, our chat text : angmohpower : hi
Me : i'm sorry, but i don't really recognise your handle? if we have chatted, it has been a very long indeed.
angmohpower : yes
angmohpower : chris from switzerland
Me : hello chris.
angmohpower : how are you
angmohpower : not working tonight
angmohpower : remember ur in hotel line
Me : i haven't worked in the hotel since 2004.
Me : no wonder i don't rememver you. it's been 4 years
angmohpower : ha ha really
angmohpower : wow
angmohpower : what u doing now?
Me : i'm still working, don't worry.
angmohpower : ok
angmohpower : married in the meantime
Me : i beg your pardon?
angmohpower : ha ha
angmohpower : 4 years gone and ur single
Me : why did you ask?
angmohpower : wondering
Me : why are you wondering? it's not like we kept in touch?
Me : or are you looking up old contacts because you're going to be in singapore?
angmohpower : ok well sorry for asking
angmohpower : im in singapore
Me : i thought so.
Me : and are you looking for a hook up? is that why you're bothering?
angmohpower : ha ha ur direct
Me : i'm actually rather irritated.
Me : i think what you're doing is quite impolite.
angmohpower : well u prefer i delete you
angmohpower : why
Me : yes please
angmohpower : cant say hello and ask how u are
angmohpower : weird
Me : is THAT what you doing? lol.
Me : please....
Me : thanks for asking how i am. but, no thanks!
Me : bye!
YES I get stroppy when I'm approached the wrong way.
Please! For fuck's sake! People don't trawl their old chat buddies for no reason. How stupid did you think I was? If you want to go get laid at the drop of a dime, you can go pick up someone up. Or fucking pay for a professional, if all you want is the sex, you lousy cheapskate bastard. It's cheap in Singapore if all you're looking for is a quick fuck. Well, cheap in comparison to your homeland hookers. But I am sure you wouldn't never deign to hire a professional, would you, Chris from Swizerland?
I really got irritated with his guy. I could practically sense him trying to broach the topic of how to get into my pants. Sorry! if you don't bother to keep in touch, I am Not Interested! I mean, I've had 2 past lovers send me courtesy emails. LONG after they'd left Singapore. And it's sweet, and it's nice to see how they're getting on with their new women and kids even! But this guy... my god, how fucking low can you go? I mean, 4 bloody years? Aren't you dredging the barrel here?
Good gods, people. I may be approaching virginity from the wrong angle since my ex, and I'm sure I have cobwebs!
But I would never get this desperate!
Natural introvert, learned extrovert.
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- Fiona Kathleen Hogan
- Testy, cynical and Eurasian. I won't play well with you if you have no bloody common sense. All comments & emails sent me become fodder for my blog.
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11:07 pm
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I can see looking up someone you haven't spoken with for a while, but good lord, has everyone forgotten subtlety altogether?
Well, you never met me, but I would like to hope that if I was in Singapore, or going to be, I could talk to you without being an ass or trying to get in your pants.
Not that the get in your pants stuff would not be on my mind....
Oh shush... I would L O V E to have coffee with you!
This post made me wet myself just a little. From laughing, don'tcha know.
I think I miss me being ranty *wry grin*
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