I know I talked about bras a few days back so when I came across this article I had to post it...
Your bra doesn't fit properly!" the lady at the cash register shouted, as I checked out the pink flannel pyjamas. I pretended not to notice. "I bet you've never had a bra fitting in your life!" continued the voice. She marched over. I was wearing an expensive underwired bra, designed to give "lift". I had tried it on in the shop, but that was not, I was told, a proper fitting. "I bet your back strap's half way up your shoulder blades. Look at your posture! Your bust line is sinking!" My ear lobes, she said, were almost attached to my shoulders. I'd spent years compromising my breast and back health, apparently, and my bra was a load of "shite". I told her I'd always been a 36C. "Rubbish," she snorted. "You're a 30- or 32E."
Wow. That's one strong advocate on well-fited bras lol. And she's not afraid to say it like it is too! I like!
Two things cross my mind :
1. I am glad I wear my bras properly. According to the article, no problems! I've always been amused when I see women whose bra strap at the back straddles their lower shoulder blades. Isn't that too high? You're not wearing a bra... you're wearing a bloody harness!
2. Why can't we have more sales people like this woman?
I would be HAPPY to encounter people such as this. Don't sell me stuff just to make your commissions? Don't treat me like an idiot too! And don't talk down to me.... I know you're eager to make money, and I will buy if your product is good.
But I will come back, repeatedly, if your advice is sound and objective. Isn't that what's more important? Repeat customers? It's proven that it costs more to win a new customer, than to retain an old one. So why aren't more sales people aware of this?
Half of them are rubbish anyways!
Women should be dressed, adorned and made absolutely beautiful by themselves obviously; but prefably by the partner with full generosity.
Guys who are stingy do not deserve beautiful partners. And when I say beautiful, I mean, clean, dressed appropriately for the occasion, powdered-up, with the correct/relevant accessories like shoes, bags, jewelleries etc to make the woman look "her best" and not that the woman must be a natural-born beauty. And remember, the fragrance of a perfume. Absolutely necessary.
I always admire women who carry themselves well and look their best for the occasion. Women who have natural beauty but are slobs or do not dress well, and I don't mean expensive, are really an eyesore & an unforgivable waste.
I am very generous with my comments to women who dress well. Of course, must be polite and does not sound corny or "with intent".
And a hearty honest compliment makes the day for well dressed women. The pleasure is all mine.
bye. Enjoy. Always be beautiful.
I have to agree, it is not just the clothing, but the overall effect as well.
That said, a good bra gives.. well.. good shape. lol
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