1:00 am

Money money money

HHHmmmm. Idle thought.

Would you rather receive all your money once a year, in one huge bundle of cash? Or would you rather receive your money in small, but regularly spaced out installments?

I think the large bundle is great! You can do so much more! However, I think it depends on the person. For example, like me? I'm not so good with large amounts lol. I'll go for the installment plan, thank you.

But you might be different?


Bernadette Chua said...

The old me would have gone for the installment plan. Now, I would love the LARGE BUNDLE cos indeed can do so much more to multipy it! Yay! :)

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

haha :)
s'ok Babes... I have nothing to multiply lol so the installment plan will do me fine!