Did I tell you?
That office has set KPIs so high no one reached them for 2008? Only 1 out of 101 staff? Heh, that's less than 1%.
So.... instead of looking at where the KPIs are wrong... since any normal, right-thinking organisation will not set staff goals that are beyond staff reach, yes?... they're now looking at releasing staff that cannot hit the general KIPs. Oh goody. The company's big honchos hearts are in the right place, eh?
Oh, and by the way, when I joined this company, it was for the contact centre. But here and now, we're being measured by our leads generation. Really? Contact centre = sales? Since when? If I had known we would be converted into a fucking sales force, I would never have signed up.
I do NOT do sales.
And the best part? The powers that be aren't concerned if the leads aren't genuine. Oh no. All they care is that this peson is tagged as a lead. Doesn't matter if the person has straightup declined in the beginning. All they care about is the volume. I know. We've had feedback from the followup people that people are objecting to being telemarketed to. But my dept mgmt is oblivious.
I have another example. New COO is asking for the call volume breakdown. What sort of calls are we getting, and from whom. You would think that since this department has been operating for the last 7-10 years, they would have historical data yes?
Dead fucking wrong.
Now we're all asked to identify the source of inquiry MANUALLY. I don't know why. Supposed to give the numbers to your team leader on a spreadsheet and they're supposed to compile it and submit for investigation or some shit. WTF? Don't you know? You have all this tagged electronically and now you want us to record it manually?
Holy crap, people. I am acting TL (and hating every minute if it) and I haven't given stats in for the last month, since they first introduced this inane request. And you know what? 6 weeks later, management hasn't asked for the stats. At all. No reminder, no emails, no nothing. It's like they have enough info from the day shift to bluff their way through to the new COO.
Bloody lip service indeed. Fuck this for a lark. How can I work for a department if I cannot respect them? I don't have to like them. I just have to respect their work. And when the work is shit, I've had enough! Now all I want to do is my holiday and then bloody quit.
Argh! For fuck's sake!
Natural introvert, learned extrovert.
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- Fiona Kathleen Hogan
- Testy, cynical and Eurasian. I won't play well with you if you have no bloody common sense. All comments & emails sent me become fodder for my blog.
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