9:12 am

Whew, the things we do....

OOOoooo... I must say bikini shopping is much like bra shopping.

You pound the pavements, looking for designs you like. Then you spend, like, 1 hour trying on 10 suits from one shop, driving the salespeople crazy.

What's amusing is that I found this new shop being staffed by 2 young, funky, fasionable young men. It's called
New Urban Male. Weirdly, they carry a line of bikinis imported from Brazil. And they've dedicated an entire boutique to their bikinis at Wheelock. Go figure :o

At any rate, I went looking for them. "Do you have underwired bikinis? How are the cuttings? Can I try this, this and this on? What other patterns/colours does this come in? What are your sizes like, translated in bra size? How about cup sizes? How about the bikini panty sizes?"

Yeah, I tried to ask them all that with a straight face. And to their credit, they tried to answer me. But unless you're a flamming diva of a queen with lots of experience, you shouldn't be staffing a bikini boutique with innocent young men. As an older woman, I found the experience distinctly amusing. I am sure, however, they found it mildly traumatic. lol

Anyways, after about 5 hours, I ended up at
Takashimaya and buying Sea Folly. So. Now I have two. Not bad, perhaps I'll buy one suit every 7 years?

It's hard work, this bikini shopping!!

PS : Ladies! Taka has the largest swimsuit variety I've seen in a while! Start there, at level 4, before going anywhere else. It'll save you a lot of street pounding.....


Anonymous said...

No wonder wimmin take so long to shop! ;-)


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...


Of course we do! Especially when it's bikinis! ;)