2:42 am

Like a bad joke

Erm, I think this is taking things too far.

Pam Fleming, a 45-year-old beat officer in Glasgow for Strathclyde Police, said that she thought all police officers "should be Jedis," when interviewed by Jane's Police Review.

"For me, it is not a joke," she said. "Being a Jedi is a way of life. I love the Star Wars films and the concept of being a Jedi, that the faith is not divisive." ....

..... She told The Sun she uses Jedi mind tricks to get the truth out of suspects during interviews. However, Ms Fleming said she does not use her powers to influence what suspects say or do.

I'm just aghast. Jedi as a religion? Have you gone absolutely bonkers? And you're a police officer?

googling reveals that - good grief - there ARE people out there who've joined a Jedi Church, practice Jediism, and declare that they're following their true faith.

Bizarre :o