10:36 pm

No sir, not blanks!

Holy shit. Will you just put a fucking cap on it?

What, you say? What are you blathering on about?

I'm talking about
this fuckwit who is all of 29, has 21 kids, from 11 women.

Good grief... someone needs to tie his dick in a knot....


og said...

I'm surprised one of the 11 women already haven't.

Anonymous said...

Naw - he just needs to meet Mrs. Thumb and her 4 daughters! ;-)


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...


As far as I'm concerned, this guy needs to get snipped. And as a women, he needs his balls kicked in. That's pretty irresponsible fucking....

I was taught to say "Mrs Palmer". lol. Still works either way though!