Oh, I HAVE to share this with you.
One car-sharing member called, not 10 minutes ago, and complained that the entrance was chained, and he couldn't drive into the car park. So I called security, but no one picked up. Wonderful. (Same guard as the below post, eh?)
Found out that the chain was hooked. But jesus, it wasn't padlocked, it was literally just a hook. I simply lifted it off and tried to fling the chain out of the way.
And the car member? He just sat in his car and waited. He waved his thanks as he drove by but I was so disgusted I just stomped off.
What a man. *rolls eyes*
I went back up and the girls were as disgusted as I was. What happens if the conatct centre were in a different location? Do you always sit there and mouth off complaints but deign to shift your ass to DO something?
This is typical of Singaporeans and one of my pet peeves... you sit in your airconditioned offices, scurrying around being busy but not really achieving anything, waiting for people to serve you. And when things go bad, you don't have the fucking gumption to roll up your sleeves and get your fingers dirty. Just complain, complain, complain.
This member, who is an adult male, just sat in his car, waiting for someone to check the bloody chains. He didn't even come down from his car.
He just sat and waited.
How much simpler to sit in the car and whinge like the bitch you are, than to get down and walk the daunting distance of 2 metres to check on a simple metal chain? Which wasn't even locked, by the way? Does your ego take a beating that a mere woman had to clear the way for YOU? Does it even occur to you that, as a man, you're absolutely uesless?
Yeah, reminds me of why I have more testosterone in my little toe that most local men have in their entire goddamned bodies....
Natural introvert, learned extrovert.
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- Fiona Kathleen Hogan
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