4:18 am

Head up the ass

I think my IT department has weird/abstract/inane network security issues.

Ok, let me see ....

About a month ago IT blocks all sites, right? They claimed that the
MAS issued a network security advisory on data loss via contact centres and banches and so threw a blanket ban on all terminals. Ok, fine. We're a financial company and I accept it. We've been pretty lacksidasical about this thus far.

But on the night shift, one week later, we discovered ONE single terminal that had retained full surfing priviledges. Weird, but we kept it quiet. One terminal is OK for emergencies if we have to pull non insurance info urgently (like natural disaster updates etc).

Then on my rare day shifts, I found that my favoured terminal had no access to anything except for
NASA. Strange, but true. Perhaps the IT technician likes rockets? Ok, getting weirder by the week, but I'm happy that when things are quiet at work, I have SOMETHING to surf by.

Then 3 weeks after the ban, we find that
FaceBook was returned to us. Inspite of the fact that viruses are getting smarter and lurking on social sites, we have access? Oh gee, I forgot, our CEO is a FaceBook. No need for further explanations.

And now... oh boy.. Now I find I have access to Blogger. Which was most definitely blocked last week. I know. I tried last week. But how strange is that? Do you think IT is allowing blogger so that they can track people's posts? Tsk tsk tsk.... This begets the classic "who watches the watcher" question. Is some ass-inine IT fucker jerking off somewhere to rocket porn? Why do I discover pockets of 'net access when supposedly all is blocked?

*waves at IT*
Hellooo? Yoo-hooo? Can you see me now?

Yes, indeed, this post is being done at my work terminal. heh.