Management had us change to a different email system for accountability purposes.
Apparently, when we replied to customers' emails, once it was downloaded to the desktop, no one else could access it. Ok, I concur, it's important to track correspondance, especially when disputes arise. Since we're a 24/7 call centre, this is important.
So we're on the new system. It's slower, bulkier, less nimble; our productivity has dropped from around 50 emails a night, to about 25. Halved. We KNOW we'll be getting shit for performance appraisals in 2010 because we're doing "less" work, but that's the way things roll around here. So ok. We're prepared for this.
But get this... just last night, me and my colleague were asked to trace two emails.
Back to square one. Argh!
Hello? What happened to the accountability? Wasn't the supervisor given access to the master inbox for tracking emails?
In the last 2 months, I have emailed 2 sets of constructive, OFFICIAL feedback on all the shitty and illogical protocols that's been implemented. Last night made the 3rd. Compared to the last 2 years of silence (grumbling at 4am to a fellow grumblee doesn't count. lol) I'm being pretty "loud" right about now.
But I don't really care.
I may not like my colleague, but I can work with anyone IF their work is good. I don't need to like my superiors, but I will respectfully do my work to my best ability IF the boss is also efficient. If you give me a crappy adminstrator pseudo manager idiot who makes us report on the *same thing* three different ways and still gets her facts wrong, I am going to shit up your ass and make you eat it.
No, I am not happy at work currently.
Natural introvert, learned extrovert.
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- Fiona Kathleen Hogan
- Testy, cynical and Eurasian. I won't play well with you if you have no bloody common sense. All comments & emails sent me become fodder for my blog.
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9:06 am
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You must be a goddess in bed!
Sorry? A goddess in bed?
Now..... *what* on earth does that have to do with having useless supervisors at work?
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