11:30 am

I'm back

Ok. I'm back firmly anchored on terra firma after a couple of delirously happy days playing around with my new laptop.

I was thinking of calling it LiLi, since it's a Lenova IdeaPad. lol. But I think...... I'm a'gonna sleep on it for a while....

Been a while since I worked with a lappie too (should I call her Lippie instead? lol). Last time I had a lappie, it was during my corporate days, when I got collared with a company issue laptop. It was a weight around my neck, in every sense of the word.

But now... oh boy... now it's a toy. And I'm one happy camper.

LiLi has good specs. She wasn't what I had in mind initially, but she had the things I wanted more or less. She's pretty compact and light. She has a switchable grapics card. She's a
Core i5 which hopefully translates into lesser wattage and faster processing. She's starting off on 4GB DDR3, she has...

Good lord, did I mention she won't start until biometrics registers my face? lol That wasn't one of the things I considered, but there you go!

At any rate, I AM a happy camper.

Funny thing is, I'd been reading up on specs. Now, for those of you who know me, you'll know that I fall asleep when faced with technical thingimajigs. But I read review after review until I drilled certain things into my head. And when I finally went to the store, I was able to ask specifically targetted questions. Which puzzled the sales guy. He asked me about 4 times eh, you want the laptop for what, ah? lol. I told him personal use : multimedia, games, work, all tumbled together. And I wanted one that works and will last at least 2-3 years.

And when I asked him on his opinion re
ATI Radeon vs Nvidia he just stopped short for a while. Here was this woman, in shorts and tshirt, asking pertinent questions when she clearly didn't look like a geek. ha. He was a little bit more respectful after that. It pays to do your research!

LiLi cost me a pretty penny too.
*small sigh*
I won't stint when it's important and I'm paying for quality. But oh my. Coming in at $1800, she was pretty expensive when they had laptops going for under 1K. Plus peripherals and the fact that I'm doing up a wee work corner in my bedroom to accomodate LiLi (Lippie?) and I've hit 2.2K. :o No more luxury hotel this coming July, when I take off on holiday for my birthday. I had my heart set on this suite but I can no longer afford it. lol. Cheaper hotel please!

I have hope she'll last. I admit I may have bought more firepower than I really need. But she's got enough going for her that I probably can use her as-is for a while with no upgrades and no tech problems.

And that's always a good thing with gadgets, yes? :)