3:51 am

Ms Popular

Well well well.

I finally found, on facebook, someone who's got over 1000 friends.

This is from someone who used to work at my company. She was refused conversion to perm staff because she had a lot of issues that she'd bring to work. I was polite, but after finding out her real personality (she was also a user of people) I steered clear. Very clear. Gave her a wide berth and refused all advances.

She's gone now, but recently I get a FB request from her to add me.

Yeah, right. Sorry, not interested. Good grief! Over a thousand people! Do you honestly expect people to believe you are truly good friends with them all? Even as working acquaintences and such? Nope. I don't buy it and I think it's absolutely flaky to have so many.

FB, for me, is a bloody necessary evil. Out of enforced necessity, I have a ton of people on FB that I have added because they are my workmates. For some reason, my company is FB crazy. Once I leave, that list will be culled. You have my word on it.

On my list, I want only people I know or people who share a purpose with me. No bloody nonsense of having as many people as possible. That's pure and utter bullshit.

Why do they do it, do you think? Do they think FB is a popularity contest?

Their rationale absolutely eludes me.....