The most amazing thing has happened.
See, yesterday after work, I dropped off at the coffeeshop opposite my place to get breakfast. I'm a regular at this stall and the lady who runs the stall in the morning is great! She does really tasty dishes, and she's warm hearted, and I always stop to talk to her for a bit.
Once, we met at the grocery stall across the market place and I waited for her to finish shopping, just so's I could walk her back to the stall. She's always got a kind word for *everyone*.
Well, yesterday, I left my wallet at her stall. I didn't notice it, because I was either too tired, or too excited. I don't know. I've not lost a wallet since.... oh.... I dunno. 20 years? I am VERY careful. For whatever reason, I left it there.
I came home, had my food, I rested, woke up for work last night, and only discovered my missing wallet 5 minutes before I was supposed to leave. Argh. Panic stations!
For some reason, I had this huge feeling to go see the lady. So I went to the shop but it was the night staff. And no one knew anything about the wallet.
So off to work I went. I'm hot and bothered from searching the house twice and then trying to rush for work. I'm also a little flustered. I had to borrow money from my mom just so I could get to work. How sucky is that?
I called one bank on my way to work in the taxi. Called the second bank from work once calls had quietened down. Had my cards cancelled, got new ones coming. And all this while, I was buggered.
But interestingly enough, my little inner-voice kept saying Stay Calm! You'll get your stuff back! And this woman's face kept popping up in my mind.
So once home this morning, I decided I'd go back to the woman. Just in case, y'know? I have my food, I am calm, I am actually thinking of going after I've had a nap when the woman actually comes to my home.
Shit. I am totally flabbergasted. Not only had the woman found my wallet. She'd taken it home and had expected me to go see her at the coffeeshop. (If I'm buying food from her, I'm normally there around 0745 to 0800.) And when I didn't show, she tried to find my house based on the address on my ID.
Bloody hell.
I am lucky lucky lucky. Thank you thank you thank you.
Most times, you may get your wallet and ID back but sans money. Or not get anything at ALL. And here comes this woman and delivers it at my doorstep.
Thank you God, thank you Jesus, thank you Universe!
I'll say it again, I am lucky lucky lucky. Holy crap, I am lucky. I cannot believe how freakin' lucky I am. And how generous of heart this woman is!!! I am grateful. Very very very grateful.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!
By the way, if this is what trusting my intuition is like, damn. It's not funny. I know I've said before that I'm trying to develop my intuition. But half the time I'm thinking of all the practical things I had to do. And the other half, I was .... I dunno. I seriously had this woman's face pop up in my head about 20 times all through last night.
I struggled with the calmness too. I was very uncomfortable being calm. It was like letting someone take control of the situation and *assuming* things would turn out all right. It was a little.... well.... surreal seems apt!
*wry grin*
Right up until about half an hour before the woman showed up, I was thinking to myself Why the hell are you so calm? Go see the woman! NOW now! And *ting* there she is at my doorstep.
I think I have a lot of learning to do on this. Or re-learning. A lot of letting go too.
I'm not sure if I'm ready :o
Natural introvert, learned extrovert.
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- Fiona Kathleen Hogan
- Testy, cynical and Eurasian. I won't play well with you if you have no bloody common sense. All comments & emails sent me become fodder for my blog.
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