I don't know why, but I just felt like I wanted to share this :
A few months back, I had purchased a piece of Labradorite, which is supposed to help develop your intuition and third eye properties. I wasn't too keen on viewing entities, but thought that having a better-tuned intuition would be helpful.
See, I'd been fearful for a long, long time.... previous spooky encounters really didn't help bloster my confidence. But I gathered that.... you know what? I can't go through life afraid all the time. Better to know what's out there and learn to protect myself, than to be afraid and helpless.
Ironically, I'd purchased the Labradorite not because I wanted to see things, but because I wanted something to inspire me to get a move on, in terms of my job search. To give me a metaphorical kick on the ass. Labradorite is, after all, meant to be a stone of, and for, change. But for some reason, I instead used the Labradorite for this intuition thingie instead. I have other, smaller crystals that can help with this but heck, I went with my flow.
So, for a few nights, I ended up placing it on my forehead, just before I slept, and just let the stone's energy do it's thing. It's a strange sensation, let me tell you :o
Have you ever tried to roll your chakras? It felt a little like that. Just on a smaller, much more focused scale, and mostly just under my skin. I could only let it rest there for a minute or two, before it got uncomfortable. The rolling sensation would get really intense.... almost like I had fingers under my skin that were rubbing their fingertips from the underneath.... and I'd then take the stone off and offer thanksgiving for keeping me safe.
See : quite a large piece. As long as a lighter. Almost like a bar of soap, in terms of size :)

Sorry for the poor lighting, but Labradorite tends to sparkle only from certain angles...
Anyhoo, after a few sessions of using the Labradorite in this manner, one night I fell asleep on the living room couch. This was perhaps about 2-3am; the lights were on, and the windows were open, it was quiet, and all seemed peaceful.
Something woke me up later. It wasn't a physical sound or sensation, but I opened my eyes and sensed two entities outside my window. I closed my eyes again but weirdly, I could still see everything clearly in my minds eye. (Nowadays whenever something wakes me, I just tell it to please go away and I fall right back to sleep)
So as I lay there, one of the two presences flew in through the windows, came right up to the couch, and peered down at me. Interestingly enough, I felt no fear, and the overwhelming sense I got was that the entity was merely curious. Curious, as in, it knew I was working on my third eye and it wanted to see how far I had gotten. Curious, like how a scientist would observe dispassionately.
And how would I describe these entites? Well, they were just an elongated black patch each. About, perhaps, 2 feet in height; globular, like clouds would be. No arms, leg, heads, tails, ears, eyes, or anything. Just a tallish black fuzzy patch. And I'm grateful that's all I saw lol.
No, it wasn't a dream. I am EXTREMELY sure of that. After the thingie went off back through the window, I waited a while, opened my eyes, had a pee and a drink, then went back to sleep on the couch. Truly, that was that; end of story! Awoke the next morning to business as usual.
Now that the chinese 7th month is over, I might get back to using my crystals again for this. Ok, perhaps not the Labradorite; it seems a little too effective! But perhaps my much-smaller Blue Tiger's Eye. Apparently, I can use that for intuition development too.
And for those skeptics out there, believe what you wish. If you think I'm crazy, I'll thank you to move on to the next blog.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm evolving into some trippy new-age person. But then I look at myself and realise that no, that's not it. I am still me, you will still need logic to convince me of things, but other things I've experienced myself defy modern-day, scientific explanations.
I wonder what I'll be like next year? 10 years? 40 years? HHhhmmmm.
Wah piang! I would have freaked out if I got 2 alien-like beings floating in front of me & I cannot not see them! Happy exploring though!
Babes! Mag!
Haha - I've had enough happen that I don't freak anymore. But I am surprised I wasn't afraid.
Still, it doesn't mean I don't have a healthy respect for stuff like this :o
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