5:01 am

I know who to blame now

Fer the love of....

Sometimes that reputation for sheer female dumbness is well earned.

I first wrote about a certain colleague of mine, back in May, and about her blurfuck ways. Yeah, she's on duty with me tonight and she's STRUCK AGAIN.

Lately, she's started playing her iphone at work. At night, when it's really quiet, a bit of back ground noise is welcome. At first, she started off softly. But as the days went past, the music got louder and louder.

Worse yet, her taste in music (to me) is horrendous :o Mindless trance and house, top40 muzak and formulaic crap. All I hear is either (i) mind-numbing-rage-inducing beats from some el-cheapo beatbox or (ii) soul-stealing-nausea-inducing pop. But it's Ok. To each his own. Just don't affect me.

Well, her music affects me. It got loud enough that one night it gave me a headache.

So today, the minute she started to play her music, I asked politely if she could please play it at a softer volume. She agreed, which was a relief. And then she said "sorry ah, the music gets louder by itself."

I BEG your pardon?

I was perfectly OK up until that sentence was uttered. I just looked at her blankly and slowly said "Yes? It gets louder by itself?" And she nodded her head vigourously.

Holy shit, people. I truly give up on this woman.


Anonymous said...

Hey Fiona!
AM here... geez, she's a bonehead! I have the same situation where I work and I'm still working up the chutzpah to say something about my colleague's headbanging, metal thrashing "melodies" that really, doesn't do anything for me except gnaw away at my sanity... what to do lol

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Anne Marie!!

Babes, I am not sure... I don't know how the girl took it but I had to say something before I murdered her lol.

First time I ever had to do something like that too. s'not easy, I know :o