3:57 pm

Grand picture

Oh hey, lookit.

I had forgotten that for weddings, there's this mandatory thingie where the bride and groom takea picture with every single dinner table.

Ok, not the table per se, but with each group of attendees.

Don't we all look wonderful? I love this picture!

Front L to R : Dad, Mom, Aunty Kit Wan, Uncle Heng
Back : My bro James, Sis in law Regina, The Sister Faith, me, Ruth and Chris (happy couple!) Uncle Freddy and Aunty Celina (happy parents!) and JianAi (my cousin and daughter to Kit Wan and Heng)

Ah, and the happy couple are back from their honeymoon in new york city, where they left in the nick of time before being hit by the great blizzard :o Just caught them at Por Por's house this afternoon and they look happy. *I* am very happy for them :))

Happy people all around!