8:33 am

OMFG, finally!

Popped by my regular bookstore last night.

Was supposed to just pick up some books before my shift? But of course... how COULD I walk into a bookshop and not browse? That's like... that's like... heck, that's like me and my favourite chocolates. You just can't resist the temptation and there's no point trying lol

And lo! Treasure!

I am the inordinately proud owner of something tangible from Simon's Cat. woo! After watching all the vids, and popping by the FB page at last 3 times a week to look at all the cats.... to have and to *hold* in my arms is.... is....

.... is making me bloody happy, dammit! :D


john said...

W00t! Love that cat!

And happy year of the bunny!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...


Now I seriously want the plushies :o