2:16 am

Equality? Really?

So - what do you think about first dates and who pays?

It always seems as if this is a tad thorny an issue, eh? It seems as if (i) most men think they should do the right thing and pay. But (ii) most women think they're independent enough to pay, and do.

Me? I have mixed views on this :

First off, I always offer to pay my share. On the rare occasions that I date (lemme see... I think last man was last Dec? oh shit, no. That was Dec 2009. lol Oh gawd!) I offered to pay right from the start. But the fellow insisted, so I let him. And it earned him extra brownie points. But going home, I paid for my own transport. And I didn't fuss about where we went either.

I feel a little sorry for men in this modern day and age. Some women can get so loudly, stridently, annoyingly feminist that it's little wonder the men know where they stand.

Poor men!


og said...

A lady can offer to pay, but a gentleman always foots the bill. And expects NOTHING in return except her sparkling company, ever.

To women who refuse to be ladies, I am still staunchly a gentleman, just to piss them off.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Good for you, Og,
Women like that ar a pain!