5:58 am

I'm getting worried now.

I came back from my trip and went straight to work.

Yup - touched down at 5pm, home and partial unpacking, at work by 11pm.

The japan quake caught me off guard. I've been tired, I worked 3 nights inna row and my off day was spent doing my laundry. So I've been a little sketchy about keeping up with the news.

Not tonight.

Just got a call from someone cancelling their travel insurance (yes, to Japan). And we've just learnt that there's been a second explosion at Fukushima.

To all intents and purposes, I know Japan has built their buildings to withstand earthquakes. I know Japan has superior technology as opposed to eastern europe, when Chernobyl blew up in our faces. I know the Japanese have years to go in rebuilding physically. (Let's not talk about about spiritually or emotionally, they've been hammered good).

But the illogical part of me is whispering The sky is falling! The sky is falling! lol

Man, I seriously hope it doesn't come to that......