2:03 pm

Sex and education - mutually exclusive?

There were a couple of comments gathered from my last post that got me thinking.
Just how MUCH sex education are we teaching kids to-day? I did a quick search via Google and found a few pertinant articles. But boy, I think we're screwed. The most relevant articles I found came from a website pushing virtual teaching aids. And dated in 2000, no less.

We're just starting to get stuck into 2005. I think a change would be most welcome. Kids just seem to find things out at a younger and younger age.

I remember when I was about 8 or 9. My parents never sat me down for the birds-and-the-bees conversation, but left a beautifully drawn book on human reproduction. And left it, if I recall, rather sneakily on the living room table where I would find it.

I turned out fine, thanks very much.