2:24 am

Nekked! Again!

Tomorrow morning, after my shift, I shall be heading down to B's workplace - a soon-to-be opened beauty spot type place. She's hired her girls (does it not sound like a mama-san type thingie? haha) and now she needs a guinea pig (me again!) on which her 2 new therapists will practice the beauty "machines" on.

Yours truely will be nekked ('cept for a Gstring) in front of strangers again. Fortunately, the trainer, the 2 therapists and B are all female.

Which got me thinking. Men seem inherently more comfy being nekked around each other. Yes? No? I hear all sorts of stories on toilet ettiquette - which spot at the urinal to use, how one must avert the eyes, when to use a cubicle.

Is it because they're used to having their.... erm.... danglies, well, dangle? No secrets anymore? Let the boys have some fresh air, sort of thing?

Is it an Asian thing? For women to be modest? I hear stories of women's dressing rooms in Europe where it's all one big mirrored hall. You strip down, there and then, in front of a multitude of other women all trying on their stuff. Wah hey!

I think one of these days, I might want to screw my courage up and visit a nudist beach or something. Walking arond nekked is nice! But I've always done it, you know, alone. Heaven forbid I should flash my not-so-little ass at a gazillion clothed strangers. Heh.

Results tomorrow, children. I'll let you know if I'm traumatized or not.........


Anonymous said...

It is not just an Asian thing. I am totally comfy nekkid...when I am totally alone. There was a period of about fifteen minutes, there, back in my early twenties, when I had a hot bod and would streak at the drop of a hat...but before? Modest as a nun. After? Embarassed of my pot-belly, my stretch-marks. Now? Nekkid in public? It would cost ya. ;)

As for Eurowomen, in my limited experience, they do tend to be less modest than most of the American women I know. They'll drop their top on a beach in a flash, change in an open-air dressing room, etc. I kind of envy them their lack of self-consciousness.

Anonymous said...

It is not just an Asian thing. I am totally comfy nekkid...when I am totally alone. There was a period of about fifteen minutes, there, back in my early twenties, when I had a hot bod and would streak at the drop of a hat...but before? Modest as a nun. After? Embarassed of my pot-belly, my stretch-marks. Now? Nekkid in public? It would cost ya. ;)

As for Eurowomen, in my limited experience, they do tend to be less modest than most of the American women I know. They'll drop their top on a beach in a flash, change in an open-air dressing room, etc. I kind of envy them their lack of self-consciousness.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Self consciousness aside, Queenie, I suspect they're culturally more accepting of nudity - all the way back to the classical painters and sculpters. :)