12:10 pm

Velcro kitty

I am a hard-nosed cynical cow except in 2 scenarios -

(1) When directly confronted aggressively
Us Cancerians (ahem) cannot handle direct confrontations and will ultimately give in. And then we'll sidle along until we can bite you on the ass. Hard. And then run scampering away gleefully.

(2) Kitties.
Upon which I descend into slobbering, gleeful, inane joy out of sheer fuzzballness.


kitty Posted by Hello

For the entire charming story from Stitchy McYarnpants, go here.


lucidness said...

I wonder if stitchy knew he had peanut fluff on his furry behind, and was trying to just look non-chalant? I don't know. There's somehing guilty about the way he's walking :)

lucidness said...

Yes yes- my typos are catching. Tesrted and proven.

lucidness said...

He looks like a christmas ornament. New ideas? lol..