1:03 am

Aunty alert

So. I am not working tonight and the Sister is not working tomorrow. That usually means a late-night walkie to get out & about and enjoy cool evening breezes (of which there were ziltch tonight, dammit.)

On our return path, we pop by the 7-11 to top up on rubbish food (Kettle chips. mmmmmmm!!) and ciggies. And the 7-11 uncle turns to me, points to the Sister, and says " Your princess"?

Holy crap, bad enough the kopi tiam aunty thinks the Sister is my daughter, now another one!


Posted by Hello

Do I look like an bloody aunty to you? Heh!

Posted by Hello
Not Ms Universe certainly, but not dog material either.

Just thankful I clean up well. Heh.


lucidness said...

ye gods, where did the first one come from? Talk about bizarre pics.

Anonymous said...

.. niiiice..