2:34 pm

Sniffer doggies

Aw. Poor babies. All that rigorous training, all that hard work, all that panting and having weird things to learn. And it turns out that some idiot has been teaching you how to identify talcum powder.

"They're very good at detecting talcum powder," joked Assistant Commissioner Paul Evans. "If there's any missing kids, we'll find them fairly quickly."

At least the Aussies have their sense of humour intact.


dom said...

Do you go to the same sites I get mine from ? LMAO !!

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

dom, i usually go to only a few sites, and they're all listed on my sidebar.

popped by your site - i noticed that you don't link but provide the entire article.

do you not credit the news agencies when you copy their articles?