10:40 am

Taking things for granted.

I think we take a lot of things for granted. I've always tried to remember the small things, the little things, that make our lives so worthy of living. And since I quit corporate almost a year ago, I am continually reminded that life isn't about money. And I am surprisingly happy. My parents, especially, have proven most supportive, but that shouldn't have been a surprise, really. They're the ones who've always urged us to choose our own paths less travelled, so long as we were happy.

But I digress.....

I really wanted to talk about taking the big things for granted too. Like the place we live in, the resources we have, the environment of the planet.

Why the sudden interest, you ask? Because I came across an an article of
sturdy men who stay out in hostile, extreme environments; determined to chart the progress of out planet's deterioration.

We, in our comfy homes, tend to forget that resources are limited. Finite. Painfully unreplenishable. Especially Singaporeans, who in a few generations, have forgotten what it was like to starve, dig wells, and fish for a living. Or work as menial labourers. So easily has it been, for a lot of people, to forget the back-breaking, strife-filled lives our grandfathers went through.

Who am I kidding, anyways. I know I'm in a minority. Bah.