6:31 pm

Fire-fighting Monday

Another stupid fire-fighting Monday.

Had 2 callers of note to-day.

One fucktard got angry with me because 1) the person he had sent a fax to someone and 2) I couldn't tell him if she'd received his fax. But get this - the woman wasn't on my staff directory. Hullo? Out of 80 call centre agents on my floor alone, you want to go one by one and ask? What the hell happened to your fucking brains? Out of over a 1.3 million policy holders, you expect the fax to magically materialise on this woman's desk?

Secondly, this chinese woman who screamed, SCREAMED at me because her line got cut off and no one called back. Got even angrier at me when she babbled in mandarin and I couldn't catch it. Escalated to duty sup who then called her back. Upon which, the woman sweetly claimed she had never called us at all.

My God. These retard assholes are out there breeding.