6:47 pm


In recompense for an extremely shitty day, I bought myself a bottle of Nutella. Which, in all probability, I will finish in one go. Or at least, I can hope. Heh. And then spend the next 2 weeks bitching to myself about all that fat I'd ingested.

Oh, the joys of being a woman!

UPDATE : Half a bottle only. Damn. I'm losing my touch.


Bill said...

The secret is to go into the cupboard and take one spoonful out of the jar. Close cupboard...repeat. This way it takes longer. That is what I do with Nutella.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

actually, i take a small spoon, place a dollop on my tongue, and let it melt a wee bit. all the while sucking on it like a boiled sweet.
