4:52 pm

Men and Respect

Was surfing, an idle & lazy Sunday to-day, when I came across this phrase on someone's blog. Something about words to humiliate men by and the phrase? "Hold my purse".

Geez. I dunno. Perhaps the words were meant to be funny but I don't see it. I've never been one to ask men to hold my bags for me. Luggage? Or something heavy? Sure, why not. But NEVER my handbag, my pouch or anything that looks remotely girly.

I'm old school that way, taught well by my Nanny. Always believed in showing respect and never arguing in public. Take it home and take it behind closed doors.

How does that translate to holding purses?
Treat your man right. Give him the respect and ego that he deserves and he will treat & respect me as the woman I deserve to be. And yes, this means not demeaning him by making him hold some girly bag. And more importantly, not all men can be given this treatment as most fall FAR short.

I see young couples walking down the streets with the guy carrying a small purse the size of my wallet. Good grief. Being chivalrous doesn't mean to be stupid. There's a big difference and it's a concept, not a single act. Good grief.

Right, rant over..... until the next idiot I see, that is. :o


carpediemtomorrow said...

Not that I am one to hold my wife's purse, as she has a big bag, which I do sometimes carry, but usually under duress from her.
I think nowadays, the new man has gone a few steps too far and we are loosing our identities......give us back the cave and stick!
Great blog

Ellipsis said...

so true. some guys are taking the SNAG thing way too far. I'd cut short the dating process if the girl even suggests that I should hold her purse.

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

scott - i agree. men need to be Men and i will forever lament the loss of that!

yarn - i never liked the SNAG thing. run like the blazes, man, if a woman should ever ask you to carry her purse!