1:11 am


I cannot believe someone left a sticky booger on the computer table. It's a fucking pisser when it gets to the point where you have to check stuff for fucking cleanliness in one's own fucking house.

You have absolutely NO fucking clue how mad that makes me.


Anonymous said...

... have you narrowed down the list of suspects?.. sounds like some sort of beating is in order...

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

ya think?
my fingers are spasmodically flexing on their own as they imagine unleashing some sort of death grip.....

Jaime said...

i just picked a booger and it had a nose hair attached to it. wanna see? lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is so gross! I can't believe someone would do that!

BeckEye said...

I think I have some clue of how mad you are....the sheer volume of F-bombs in that short post kind of gives it away. :)

I've always wondered who decided that "fuck" was the absolute worst word in the world. And then I wonder why it feels so good to say it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Iki said...

While I have nothing constructive to add, just let me say BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Thanks for the laugh. :)

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

i think it's weird what inadvertantly garners support and laughs. *amused*

was having such a hissy fit at the time i just had to vent....

but Ladies, thank you all the same!

Unknown said...

Was that REALLY all you had to write about that day?

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Mikey, I write about stuff that interests me. Or sometimes I vent.

I certainly don't write for YOU.