8:53 pm


Stuff to do.

Rest my feet
The girls have been overly enthusiastic about this stupid NDP Observation Ceremony thingie. We got butt ugly t-shirts to wear as a "uniform" for our pseudo cheerleading routine. One girl quipped "free, mah?" and then after practice, went out a bought a brand new t-shirt especially for the performance. I had to wait about 80 minutes for them to shop and have coffee. Why? Because they're from my department and we had to go back together. Fucking'ell. I have to endure another 3 sessions with these brainwarped numbwits. THAT is why I have so few female friends.

Rest my body
Suspect my cycle is coming to a close. I never get PMS but I get really REALLY tired. So tired that I've climbed a single flight of steps and had to rest at the top. Pathetic sounding, but there you go. The perils of being a woman.

Blogging will be light, for now.