1:38 pm


Sparkling had a question for me after I posted the results - she was intrigued by the fact that I was "68% anxiety vs. 65% calmness".

"Eh?" was my first reaction. Because it made perfect sense to me when the results were displayed on the screen. But on hindsight, it does look a tad weird. Allow me to explain.

I am a worry-wart. That's what made me such an excellent event organiser. I'll sit and brood over things I might have missed out. Things that might happen. What happens if this? But if that happens? Can we do this? What's our back-up plan? How about this? Alternatives? What? What? What? I'll even take into account the gross stupidty of people in general.

But I'm happy to say that unlike some colleagues I've..... experienced..... I don't fall all to pieces during action time. I don't snap at people, I'm not grumpy. I don't rant and rave at people or thorw hissy fits. I am extremely focused. (Yeah, Type 5 all right. *amused*)

Which is why I am calm under pressure. Some of my best work has been done when I was up to my arm-pits in exploding issues. When I ran my own teams, I'd try and be the best anchor the staff had ever had. Because it's the manager that grounds the team and provides a foundation for excellent work.

First tier, THEY solve. Cannot work? Come to me. Immediately. It worked with events, when things can (and will) go horribly wrong. It worked in the mktg consultancy, where I managed to calm done one girl so much that she went from "most avoided" to "trusted work-mate" with the rest of the girls.

Yes, I do have some type-A personality traits.