Decided to go catch a movie tonight.
Had been working late because of the massive number of emails that rained in on me and my colleague. So thought a break was in order. Went to see Mindhunters
Shit - the movie had Val Kilmer (who's so bloody cool), Christian Slater(who's so bloody sexy) and Johnny Lee Miller (who was fantastic in Hackers). I had 3 reasons to go right there.
But this post really isn't about the movie.....
As I made my way across the street to the cinema, I walked straight into the SG version of a SWAT team. About 10 of these buggers "patrolling" in their vest, batons, semi-autos, and berets. Looking all mean and grumpy. Do they get training in that? How to look grumpy? I'm sure they do!
Eh? This was TAMPINES, not exactly the heart of the financial district. Sure, there were all of 4 buildings housing a variety of offices. Hell yeah, I felt safer.
My country has a strange idea of security. Sure, we need it. After all, we ARE inbetween Malaysia and Indonesia. But isn't Tampines a little out of the way for a SWAT presence?
I actually walked through them (they were practically strolling), paused, turned back, and asked one of them if i could take a picture. Naturally, the answer was no, so I just turned and made my way through that gaggle of men again. Off to my movie.
But damn, it was strange.
Natural introvert, learned extrovert.
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- Fiona Kathleen Hogan
- Testy, cynical and Eurasian. I won't play well with you if you have no bloody common sense. All comments & emails sent me become fodder for my blog.
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10:14 pm
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The not being able to take a picture thing is silly. Next time, don't ask, and then run after you take the picture. Those guys need exercise.
they need the excercise?
yes, possibly.
quite probably.
but i don't run so good, Trevor. *amused*
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