11:08 pm

Prancing like an idiot

Remember when I mentioned I was "nominated" to be part of a song and dance routine for the bloody National Day Observation thingie?

Well, we had our first meeting today. Turns out that all those that were "nominated" were women. And I'm the only one from my department. Wonderful. So I shall be prancing around like a fucking line dancer with a bunch of total strangers.

This lady from one of our field offices is supposed to choreograph the item. Damn, but she's ambitious. She wants to do this razmatazz type thing. "Cheerleading! Or aerobics!" GACK! WTF? Aerobics? Hullo! We're supposed to be performing the stupid thing in front of an audience, yes? Apparently about 300 people.

We've got our first practice session coming up. We have to go down to the main HQ where there's a dance studio and full length mirrors. This lady is taking things pretty seriously, considering that all of us were forced to participate. And considering we're supposed to be "ready" for the "performance" on Aug 8. And she only wants to do 5 rehersals. Including teaching us the steps she shall pick.

Stay tuned, my personal nightmare shall know no boundaries, I suspect.