4:52 pm


To-day is Singapore's National Day. It is also my parents' wedding anniversary.

I don't bandy that fact around too much - people have a tendency to go "Eh? Your father very patrotic, ah?" And true, I have asked Dad before about it. Which was weird, because Dad's reply was that it seemed like a good idea at the time.

So Mom decided, on the spur of the moment, to have some family over on the spur. And I mean REALLY last minute - only found out at 10PM last night when Mom came back from tai chi class. And it was for lunch. Argh! There goes my day of rest!

They came, sat in the living room and chatted. Fortunately, there aren't any feuds between my parent's families.

Mom hasn't cooked for the longest time but hey! Some things never change. All yummy! Here's about half the food as it was being laid out in the dinning room.

And the lovely bouquet that Nan and family always send over every year, without fail.

After all that food, I am Extremely Stuffed. Nap time!