2:53 pm


Another reason for me to be grateful.

I know I whine and bitch about the ridiculous personal empire I'm working in. But it's so easy to be sucked into the whirl of life. There's a little chinese cooked food stall I buy from very regularly. It's manned by young chinese men whom I get along with very well.

Perhaps they're tickled to see a non-chinese face buying their food, and speaking their language. It's always "ni hao, da jie!" and a big smile for me when I approach. They're great. I positively beam at them in return.

But they're also a reminder of how lucky I am. The work package I am on now is less than 50% of what it was 18 months ago. But I've just found out recently that it's a damned sight more than these boys have, which is
- 1 day off every fortnight.
- having to do a 12 hour shift every day
- cooking and ladling out hot food behind the counter
- being on their feet almost the entire time

I don't know how much their financial package is, but it cannot be very high... they might possibly be on some sort of commission scheme. But wow, it's a tough life for them.

Definitely grateful for what I have.


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Anil - thank you.
I'm happy you enjoyed reading my blog.

And yes, I'm sure my MasterChief would think I was beautiful as well. Same way I think *he's* dead sexy.

He IS my partner, after all!