1:22 am

Just what I needed.....

..... a quiet evening out and in.

J swung by and we headed out to Charlie's Corner. Stuffed our faces and caught up with each other's last 6 weeks. And then came back to my place to watch a movie. Parents were in. It was comical.

For those of you who wonder, Asian families are structured a little different. When I was living on my own, my mom's family had fits. But that's another story. Called home to give the parents a little warning, came back to find that Dad had put some beer in the fridge for J. haha! It was quite amusing, actually. :)

But it was really good for me. I'm not getting any younger. My back's all stiff from last night's midnight shift. Perhaps the MasterChief's intended (for now) location at Ingleside is something I could take to.

And then there's the fact that it's super comfortable watching my own movies, in my own house. I get up to take a piss whenever I want, make my own coffee just the way I like it, no idiot morons chatting away behind me. And J's always amazed at the movies I have. Heh. Not that I have a lot, but we have very similar tastes. He borrows movies from me in batches. lol.

I wonder what the MasterChief's taste in movies is like?